Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to the Terminal

One of the big problems of GUI programming is trying to separate business logic from the presentation. Many frameworks and patterns, such as Model-view-controller, exist for just this purpose.

I recently came across a less common approach to this problem. From the StackOverflow Podcast #41:
Atwood: ...the classic UNIX way of developing a GUI was you start with a command-line app, which has a defined set of inputs and outputs, pipes, basically text going in and out of it.
Spolsky: A lot of command-line arguments.
Atwood: And then you put a GUI on top of that, so then you have perfect separation. You don't necessarily have a great app which is the deeper problem, but you have perfect separation, because you can test the command line independently...
Seems like an interesting solution, especially if your target audience is expert users who may prefer a command-line application anyway.

Unknowingly, this is the approach I took with my Batch Photo Editor. From the beginning, it was designed to be a command-line application. This allowed me to focus on the core logic of the application and not have to worry about presentation. Later, I will always have the option of adding a GUI, in which case I would get the business-presentation separation for free.

The downside of this approach is that, if you're not careful, the resulting GUI may be nothing more than a wrapper around your original command-line interface. If your main goal is an extremely user-friendly GUI, perhaps you're better off with UI-First Development. When possible, though, it's refreshing to be able to focus on the actual code that you're writing and not the syntax to wire up a button click handler.

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